For most companies, there are a number of technological applications and processes in place to help employees work more efficiently. When on-boarding a new employee, it is important that each application and process is allotted time in the training process to ensure it is being properly and efficiently utilized among all staff members. Luckily, training new hires to use Iowa Land Records E-Submission is simple – so simple, in fact, that your team barely has to lift a finger.

Step 1 – Add E-Submitter to Your Account

Because we have a variety of training resources available for customers, the only time an in-house staff member at your company will need to be involved is when adding the new e-submitter to your e-submission account. 

To add a new user to your company’s e-submission account, first an admin must login to the Iowa Land Records E-submission application. On the left sidebar, find the “Maintain E-Submitter” link and click on it. Next, hover over the the button resembling a plus sign (+), and the words “Add E-Submitter User” will display. Click the button, and on the next screen, enter information for the new employee. 

Note: Pay close attention to the area where you must select a user role. In most cases, you’ll want to simply add a user as an e-submitter. However, in the case of supervisory positions, you may want to grant certain employees with admin privileges. If you’re not sure, you can always enter a user as an e-submitter and upgrade him or her in the future. 

Step 2 – Sign Up for a FREE Webinar

Once you’ve got the new employee set up with his or her own e-submitter credentials, our team is able to provide comprehensive training. Check out our monthly webinar schedule to see which upcoming webinar best fits your schedule. 

Each webinar runs approximately 45 to 60 minutes. All participants have the opportunity to ask questions, and we encourage participants to follow along with the demonstration on their own screens as they are able to. For larger teams that would like a more personalized training experience, contact us to schedule a webinar training session for the whole team.

Step 3 – Review E-Submission Training Videos

Once you’ve participated in a webinar, be sure to review additional resources going forward as you familiarize with the application. Our video demonstrations provide step-by-step instruction for the most used processes in e-submission. Browse through to find the topic that best fits the challenge you’re facing or skill you’d like to perfect.

For more information or to asks questions about successfully navigating the Iowa Land Records E-Submission process, please contact a systems specialist.